About Kurfew
Kurfew is a busy hardworking 5 piece Rock/Pop Covers project from Whangarei, New Zealand. They have evolved greatly over their 20 plus years on the "working band" scene.
Never short of gigs or entertaining opportunities has meant that Kurfew are always "up with the play" when it comes to different sorts of functions/venues.
Kurfew have played regularly in well known clubs/pubs, and at functions like "Christmas in the Park", Party on Vine Street, the Fritter Festival, The Mangonui Waterfront Festival and the local Fireworks Extravaganza.
Check our Facebook page for more details.
Kurfew have entertained at so many weddings, with all their varied "themes" and requirements, never disappointing.
Other private gigs have been formal school Balls, End of year functions, Birthday parties, You name it, they've done it!
Because Kurfew are a well known and professional band, they often perform at corporate functions all over Northland.
Kurfew take pride in their presentation and use only high quality sound and lighting at their shows. They love entertaining and seeing a crowd enjoying themselves!
Contact Warren NOW to enquire about a performance for you.